* ita,adv., so, thus
talia, -ae, f., Italy
* itaque, and so, therefore
* item,adv., also, likewise
* iter, itineris,n., journey, way, road
* iterum,adv., again, a second time
* iube, -re, iuss, iussum, bid, order
icundits, -ttis,f., pleasantness, delight
icundus, -a, -um, pleasant, agreeable
* idex, -dicis,m., judge, juror; idics (voc.), gentlemen of the jury
* idicium, -, n., trial, judgment; court, jury
idic (1), decide, judge
iugul (1), cut the throat of, slay, destroy
iugulum, -, n., throat
* iugum, -, n., yoke; ridge
* imentum, -, n., beast of burden, pack animal
* iung, -ere, inx, inctum, join, unite
inior, -ris,m.lf., rather young or youthful (person); inirs, -um, m. pl., often = men of military age (under 46 years)
Innius, -a, -um, belonging to or sacred to Juno
Iuppiter,gen. Iovis,m., Jupiter or Jove, king of the gods
iris-dicti, -nis,f., administration of justice
* ir (1), take an oath, swear; irtus, -a, -um, having sworn, under oath, on oath
* is, iris,n., right, law; privilege; is irandum, iris irand, n., oath
iuss, idiomatic abl., by order or command
istific (1), do justice to; justify, forgive
* istitia, -ae,f., justice
istus, -a, -um, just, right; proper, regular; adv. ist
* iuvenis,gen. -is,m.lf., young, youthful; as a noun, a young man or woman (of 20–45 years)
iuvents, -ttis,f., youth; young man in the army
* iuv, -re, iv, itum, help
iuxt:adv., near, nearby, equally, in like manner; prep. + acc., close or near to
Ix n, -onis, m., legendary king of Thessaly condemned to the torture of the wheel in Tartarus for an insult to Juno
Kal.,abbr. ofKalendae:seeCalendae
L.,abbr. ofLcius,a praenomen
Labe, -nis,m., a cognomen
labs, -is,f., ruin; disgrace
lab (1), totter, waver
* labor, -, lapsus sum, slip, fall; err