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* labor, -ris,m., labor, toil; hardship, difficulty, distress, suffering

labrisus, -a, -um, full of toil or hardship, laborious

labr  (1), labor, toil; suffer, be in distress

Lacedaemonius, -a, -um, Spartan; m. pl. as a noun, Spartans

lacertus, -, m., (upper) arm

lacess, -ere, -v, -tum, provoke, irritate, harass

* lacrima, -ae,f., tear

lacrimsus, -a, -um, tearful; mournful

lacus, -s,m., lake

Laelius, -, m., a Roman nomen, especially Gaius Laelius, commemorated in Cicero’s D Amciti 

laetitia, -ae,f., joy, delight; entertainment

laetor, -r, -tus sum, rejoice, be glad

* laetus, -a, -um, glad, joyful

laevus, -a, -um, left, on the left side

laguncula, -ae,f., flask

lamb, -ere, lick, lap

lmmina, -ae,f., thin plate or layer; plate of iron (heated for torture)

lancea, -ae,f., lance, light spear

languidus, -a, -um, weak, languid, dull, inactive

lani  (1), tear to pieces, mangle

lapis, -idis,m., stone

lpsus, -s,m., sliding, slipping

Larius, -, m., Lake Como, Alpine lake in northern Italy

Lars, Lartis,m., an Etruscan name or title

lassus, -a, -um, weary, tired

lt, adv. ofltus

* late, -ere, -u, lie hidden, hide; escape the notice of, be concealed from (+ acc.)

latibulum, -, n., hiding place, shelter

Latnus, -a, -um, Latin; Via Latna, a very old Roman road running southeast from Rome; adv. Ltn, in Latin, espec. w. dcere, loqu, etc.

latr, -nis,m., robber, bandit, cutthroat

latrcinium, -, n., robbery; fraud


* ltus, -a, -um, broad, wide, extensive; copious; adv. lt, broadly, widely; long ltque, far and wide

latus, -eris,n., side

laudbilis, -e, praiseworthy, laudable

* laud  (1), praise, approve

Laurentnus, -a, -um, Laurentine, of Laurentum (a town on the coast south of Ostia); Laurentnum (sc. praedium), Laurentine estate

laus, laudis,f., praise, renown

lautumiae, -rum,f. pl., stonequarry, used as a prison at Syracuse

lautus, -a, -um (see lav ), washed; elegant, refined

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