* ldus, -, m., play, game; especially pl., public games; school
lge, -re, lx, mourn, lament
* lmen, -minis,n., light; eye
lna, -ae,f., moon
lupa, -ae,f., a she-wolf
lstr (1), purify; move round, circle round
lustrum, -, n., den, brothel, debauchery
lsus, -s,m., a playing, play, sport
* lx, lcis,f., light; prmlce, at daybreak
luxuria, -ae,f., excess, dissipation, extravagance
luxurisus, -a, -um, luxurious, dissolute, excessive
luxus, -s,m., luxury, extravagance, debauchery
Ldia, -ae,f., a kingdom in westcentral Asia Minor
Ldus, -a, -um, Lydian, of Lydia (in Asia Minor)
M.,abbr. ofMrcus,a praenomen
M.’,abbr. ofMnius
Macedons, -um,m. pl., the Macedonians
Macedonia, -ae,f., country north of Mt. Olympus
Macedonicus, -a, -um, Macedonian
macte virtte,a phrase of salute = good luck, bravo, congratulations
maculsus, -a, -um, spotted
made-faci, -ere, -fc, -factum, wet, drench
made, -re, -u, be wet
madidus, -a, -um, wet, soaked
maere, -re, grieve, lament
maestus, -a, -um, sad, dejected
* magis,adv. (compar. ofmagnopere) more, rather; e or qu magis, lit. more by that = all the more
* magister, -tr, m., master; teacher; magister equitum, master of the horse (second in command to a dictator)
* magistrtus, -s,m., public office, magistracy; public official, magistrate
magn-animus, -a, -um, high-minded, high-spirited, magnanimous
magnificentior, -ius,compar. ofmagnificus
magnificus, -a, -um, great, fine, splendid; sumptuous
* magnitd, -dinis,f., large size, greatness, magnitude, extent
magn-opere,adv., greatly, earnestly; compar. magis;superl. maxim
* magnus, -a, -um, large, great, important; compar. maior, maius; superl. maximus, -a, -um; mairs, -um, m. pl., ancestors
Mg, -nis,m., youngest brother of Hannibal
magus, -, m., a learned man (among the Persians); a magician
Maharbal, -alis,m., a Carthaginian officer under Hannibal
maiests, -ttis,f., greatness, dignity, majesty