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mtior, -r, mnsus sum, measure out, measure

* metu, -ere, metu, dread, fear, be afraid

* metus, -s,m., fear, dread, anxiety

* meus, -a, -um, my, mine

m, voc. ofmeus;also short form ofmihi

mca, -ae,f., crumb, morsel

mic, -re, -u, shake, shine, flash, sparkle

Mids, -ae,m., a king of Phrygia

migr  (1), depart; transgress

* mles, mlitis,m., soldier


mlitris, -e, military, warlike

mlitia, -ae,f., military service, warfare

* mlle,indecl, adj. in sg., thousand; mlia, -ium,n. pl. noun, thousands

minciter,adv., threateningly

minae, -rum,f. pl., threats

minx,gen. mincis (adj. of 1 ending in nom.), threatening

Minerva, -ae,f., goddess of wisdom and arts

* minim, adv., (superl. ofparum), least, very little; not at all, by no means

minister, -tr, m., servant, attendant, helper, accomplice

ministra, -ae,f., servant

minitbundus, -a, -um, threatening

minitor, -r, -tus sum (+ dat. of pers.), threaten

minor, -r, -tus sum, threaten

minor, minus,compar. ofparvus

Mnos, -is,m., legendary king of Crete

Minucius, -, m., a Roman nomen; e.g., M. Minucius Rufus, magister equitumof the dictator Q. Fabius Maximus in the Second Punic War

* minus,compar. adv. (seeparum), less, too little; not

mintus, -a, -um, small, trifling

mrbilis, -e, wonderful, marvelous, extraordinary

mrculum, -, n., wonder, miracle

mrandus, -a, -um, wonderful, remarkable

* mror, -r, -tus sum, wonder at, admire

* mrus, -a, -um, wonderful, extraordinary

misce, -re, miscu, mixtum, mix, mingle

Msnum, -, n., promontory near Naples

* miser, -era, -erum, wretched, unhappy, sad, miserable

miserbilis, -e, pitiable

miserandus, -a, -um, = miserbilis

misereor, -r, -itus sum, + gen., pity

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