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miseria, -ae,f., misery, unhappiness, misfortune

* misericordia, -ae,f., pity, mercy, sympathy

misericors,gen. -cordis, pitiful, compassionate

miseror, -r, -tus sum, pity

mtig  (1), soften, lighten, ease, alleviate

mtis, -e, mild, soft, gentle

* mitt, -ere, ms, missum, send; throw, cast; let go, omit, pass over

moderti, -nis,f., moderation, self-control, temperance

modertus, -a, -um, moderate, temperate, restrained; adv. modert 

modestia, -ae,f., moderation (cp. modus), sobriety, modesty

modicus, -a, -um, moderate

* modo,adv., only, merely, just; just now; modo…modo, now…now, at one time…at another

* modus, -, m., measure, quantity, limit, due measure, moderation; mode, way, manner, method; kind, sort; quem ad modum, in what way, how, as; eius mod, of that sort, of such sort

moechor, -r, -tus sum, commit adultery

* moenia, -ium,n. pl., city walls, fortifications

mls, -is,f., mass, large structure, difficulty

molestia, -ae,f., trouble, annoyance

molestus, -a, -um, troublesome, annoying, disagreeable

molli  (4), soften; moderate

mollis, -e, soft

mmentum, -, n., lit. movement, motion, moment; influence, importance

monachus, -, m., monk (ML)

monastrium, -, n., monastery (EL)

* mone, -re, -u, -itum, advise, warn, instruct

monitus, -s,m., admonition, advice

* mns, -ntis,m., mountain

mnstrum, -i,n., monster

montnus, -a, -um, of the mountains, mountainous; montnus, -, m., a mountaineer

* monumentum, -, n., reminder; monument, record

* mora, -ae,f., delay

mrlits, -ttis,f., moral interpretation (EL)

morbus, -, m., disease, sickness

* morior, -, mortuus sum, die

moror, -r, -tus sum, delay

* mors, -rtis,f., death

morsus, -s,m., a biting, bite; teeth

mortlis, -e, mortal

* mortuus, -a, -um, dead

mrum, -, n., mulberry

mrus, -, f., mulberry tree

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