* ms, mris,m., habit, custom, manner; mrs, -um,m. pl., habits, character
Mses, -isor- (acc. Msn), m., the great Hebrew leader
* mtus, -s,m., movement; impulse; commotion
mouseion = musum, -, n., abode of the muses, museum, library
* move, -re, mv, mtum, move; arouse, affect, disturb; castra movre, break camp
* mox,adv., soon; thereupon
Mcius, -, m., a Roman nomen; e.g., C. Mucius Scaevola, for whose plot against the Etruscan king Porsenna see Livy, Bk. II
mcro, -nis,m., sharp point (of sword)
multiplic (1), multiply, increase
multitdo, -dinis,f., large number, crowd, multitude
* multum,adv., much; compar. pls, more; superl. plrimum, very much
* multus, -a, -um, much, many; compar. pls, plris, n. noun in sg., more, and plrs, plra, adj. in pl., more, several, many; superl. plrimus, -a, -um, most, very much or many (see plrimus)
mlus, -, m., mule
mundnus, -a, -um, of the world, worldly
mundus, -a, -um, clean, pure, elegant
* mundus, -, m., world
* mni-ceps, -cipis,m.lf., citizen of a free town
municiplis, -e, belonging to a free town or towns
mnific, adv., generously
mnmentum, -, n., defense, fortification
mni (4), to wall in, fortify, defend; viam mnre, build a road
* mnus, -eris,n., duty, function, service, gift
murmur, -uris,n., murmur
mrus, -, m., wall
mt (1) change; take in exchange
mtus, -a, -um, mute, dumb; silent, still
mtuum, -, n., a loan
mtuus, -a, -um, mutual, reciprocal; borrowed, lent
Naïas, -adis,f., Naiad, water nymph
* nam,conj., for
nancscor, -, nactus sum, find, get, obtain
nrr (1), tell, relate
* nscor, -, ntus sum, be born; arise
ntlis, -e, of birth, natal
nti, -nis,f., a people, nation
nat (1), swim
* ntra, -ae,f., birth; nature, laws of nature
ntralis, -e, natural
* ntus, -, m., son (= flius,espec. in poetry)