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medeor, -r, + dat., heal, cure; correct

medcna, -ae,f., medicine, remedy

medicus, -, m., doctor, physician

mediocris, -e, moderate, medium; ordinary, mediocre; adv. mediocriter

meditor, -r, -tus sum, think over, plan; practice

* medius, -a, -um, middle; with partitive force, the middle of, the midst of; medium, -, n., the middle, center

Medsaeus, -a, -um, Medusa-like

meherculeor-cle ( = m Herculs iuvet), interjection, by Hercules, certainly; cp. hercule

mel, mellis,n., honey

membrum, -, n., limb, member

memin, -isse,defective in perf. system with “present” meaning, remember, think of (+ gen. or acc.)

memor,gen. memoris, (adj. of 1 ending in nom.), mindful

memorbilis, -e, memorable

* memoria, -ae,f., memory

memoriter,adv., from memory, by heart

memor  (1), mention, recount

mendcus, -a, -um, poor, beggarly; mendcus, -, m., beggar

* mns, mentis,f., mind, reason, understanding; soul, spirit; intention

mnsa, -ae,f., table; food, course

mnsis, -is,m., month

mnsra, -ae,f., measure, amount

menti, -nis,f., mention

mentior, -r, -tus sum, lie, say falsely, break one’s word

merctor, -ris,m., merchant, trader

mercnnrius, -, m., hireling, mercenary

mercs, -dis,f., reward, pay, wages, income

* mere, -re, -u, -itum,and deponentmereor, -r, meritus sum, deserve, earn, merit; serve as a soldier

mereor,deponent: seemere 

meretrcius, -a, -um, of a prostitute, meretricious

meretrx, -trcis,f., prostitute

merg, -ere, mers, mersum, sink, drown, overwhelm

merdis, -di , m., midday; south

merit, adv., deservedly

meritum, -, n., merit, desert, worth; benefit, service

merum, -, n., unmixed wine

Messna, -ae,f., a town in northeastern Sicily on the Straits of Messina

messis, -is,f., harvest

-met,intensive suffix added to certain pronominal forms, self, own

mta, -ae,f., a turning post (on a racecourse); goal, end, boundary

Metellus, -, m., a Roman nomen

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