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Maius, -a, -um, of (the month of) May

* male,adv. ofmalus, badly, wickedly; with words of good connotation, not, scarcely, with difficulty (male fdus, not faithful; male sustinns arma, scarcely supporting his armor); with words of bad connotation, excessively, greatly (male disse, to hate excessively; male metuere, to fear greatly); compar. peius; superl. pessim 

male-dc, -ere, -dx, -dictum, speak ill of, revile, curse (+ dat.)

male-dictus, -a, -um (partic. of maledc ), accursed

malitia, -ae,f., malice

malitisus, -a, -um, wicked, malicious

* ml, mlle, mlu(magisvol), wish more, prefer, rather

malum, -, n. ofmalus, evil, misfortune, crime

* malus, -a, -um, bad, evil, wicked; compar. peior, peius; superl. pessimus, -a, -um

Mmertnus, -a, -um, Mamertine, of the Mamertini (Campanian mercenaries who in the early third cent. B.C. had made themselves masters of Messana)

mamma, -ae,f., breast, teat, dug

mandtum, -, n., an order, command, injunction

mand  (1), commit, entrust; order, command

mandc  (1), chew, eat

mne,adv., early in the morning

* mane, -re, mns, mnsum, remain, stay; await

mns, -ium,m. pl. (used of one person or more than one), ghost, shade, spirit of the dead

manifestus, -a, -um, clear, plain, evident

* manus, -s,f., hand; band, force; handwriting

Marcellus, -, m., a cognomen; espec. M. Claudius Marcellus, who recaptured Syracuse in 212 B.C.

Mrcus, -, m., Marcus, a common praenomen

* mare, -is,n., sea; terrmarque, by or on land and sea

marg, -inis,m., border, edge

Maria, -ae,f., Mary (EL)

mart  (1), marry; give in marriage

* martus, -, m., husband

Mrs, Mrtis,m., Roman god of agriculture, and war; war, battle

Mrtius, -a, -um, of Mars, from Mars

massa, -ae,f., mass, lump

Massicus, -a, -um, Massic, referring to an area in Campania noted for its wine

* mter, -tris,f., mother

mtrimnium, -, n., marriage, matrimony

mtrna, -ae,f., married woman, matron

mtrus, -a, -um, ripe, mature, seasonable

Mvors, -vortis,m., an archaic name for Mars

maxilla, -ae,f., jaw

* maxim, adv. (superl. ofmagnopere), very greatly, especially, most

* maximus, -a, -um,superl. ofmagnus;also cognomen of Q. Fabius Maximus, hero against Hannibal

metus, -s,m., course, passage

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