*nstittum, -, n., custom, institution; instruction, principles
nstrmentum, -, n., tool, instrument
n-stru, -ere, -strux, -structum, draw up, arrange, make ready; teach, instruct
n-sd (1), sweat at
nsula, -ae, f., island
nsulnus, -, m., islander
n-sum, -esse, -fu, -futrus, be in, be contained in
in-tctus, -a, -um, untouched, uninjured
* integer, -gra, -grum, untouched, uninjured, blameless, honest; pure, fresh; d integr, afresh
intellegentia, -ae,f., intelligence, understanding, perception
* intelleg, -ere, -lx, -lctum, understand, perceive
in-tempestvus, -a, -um, untimely, unseasonable
* in-tend, -ere, -tend, -tentum, stretch, aim, direct, intend
in-tentus, -a, -um (cp. tend ), lit. stretched; intent, attentive, alert
* inter,prep. + acc., between, among, amid
inter-aestu (1), be inflamed (in places)
inter-di, adv., by day
interdum,adv., sometimes, from time to time, occasionally
intere, adv., meanwhile, in the meantime
inter-fici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, kill, slay, murder
interim,adv., meanwhile
inter-im, -ere, -m, -mptum, take away; destroy, kill
interior, -ius, inner, interior
inter-itus, -s,m., destruction, ruin
interius,adv., on the inside, within
inter-mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum, interrupt, neglect, omit
internus, -a, -um, internal
interpres, -pretis,m.lf., messenger, expounder, translator
interpretti, -nis,f., interpretation
interpretor, -r, -tus sum, explain, interpret
* inter-rog (1), ask, question; examine
inter-rump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum, break down
* inter-sum, -esse, -fu, lit. be between or in the midst of; be present at, take part in, attend (+ dat.); interest, impers., it is of importance or interest, it concerns, it makes a difference, with the subject commonly an inf. clause, an ut- clause, or an ind. quest.
inter-vallum, -, n., space between, interval
inter-veni, -re, -vn, -ventum, come between, interrupt
inter-vs, -ere, -vs, -vsum, visit (from time to time)
intimus, -a, -um (superl. of interior), innermost, intimate, most profound; adv. intim
in-tingu, -ere, -tnx, -tnctum, dip
in-tolerbilis, -e, unendurable, intolerable
in-tnsus, -a, -um, unshorn