id-circ, adv., on that account, therefore
*dem, eadem, idem,demonstr. adj. and pron., the same
* ide, adv., on that account, therefore
idneus, -a, -um, fit, suitable, proper
iecur, -oris,n., the liver
iin (1), fast (EL)
Isus, -u,m., Jesus
* igitur,postpositive conj., therefore, then
ignrus, -a, -um, not knowing, ignorant; not known, unknown
ignvia, -ae,f., idleness, inactivity; cowardice
* ignis, -is,m., fire
ignminia, -ae,f., disgrace, dishonor
ignrantia, -ae,f., ignorance
* ignr (1), not to know, be ignorant, be unacquainted with
* ignsc, -ere, -nv, -ntum, pardon, forgive
igntus, -a, -um, unknown, strange
lex, -icis, f., oak tree
lia, -ium, n. pl., abdomen, groin, genitals, entrails
illc (sc. vi ), adv., that way
* ille, illa, illud,demonstrative adj. and pron., that, the former; at times weakened to he, she, it
illinc,adv., from that place, thence; there
illc,adv., to that place
img, -ginis,f., image, portrait
imbcillits, -ttis,f., weakness
imbcillus, -a, -um, weak, feeble
im-bellis, -e, unwarlike
imber, -bris,m., violent rain, storm; shower
imitor, -r, -tus sum, copy, imitate
immnis, -e, enormous, horrible
im-memor,gen. -oris, unmindful, forgetful
immnsus, -a, -um, immeasurable, immense
im-migr (1), move into, migrate
im-mine, -re, hang over, threaten, be imminent
im-misce, -re, -miscu, -mixtum, mix, mingle
imm, adv., nay rather, on the contrary; indeed
im-modert, adv., without measure, immoderately
im-modicus, -a, -um, immoderate, excessive, unrestrained
im-mol (1), to sacrifice
im-mortlis, -e, immortal