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gena, -aef., cheek

gener, -er, m., son-in-law

generti, -nis,f., generation (EL)

genersus, -a, -um, noble, excellent, magnanimous

geniliter,adv., gaily, joyfully

* gns, gentis,f., clan, tribe, nation

* genus, -eris,n., kind, sort, class, category, nature, race

* ger, -ere, gess, gestum, bear, wear; manage, conduct, carry on, perform; bellum gerere, wage war; s gerere, conduct oneself, behave; rs gestae, rrum gestrum, f. pl., exploits, history

gesti  (4), exult, be excited or transported, desire eagerly

gest  (1), carry about, bear, wear

gign, -ere, genu, genitum, beget, bring forth

gladitor, -ris,m., gladiator, robber

gladius, -, m., sword

glaeba, -ae,f., clod, lump of soil

* glria, -ae,f., glory, fame

Gnaeus, -, m., a Roman praenomen; e.g., Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus

Gorg, -gonis,f., one of 3 sisters of whom the most famous was Medusa

gradtim,adv., step by step, by degrees

gradus, -s,m., step, position, degree, rank; stand, stance

Graeculus, -, m., a Greekling

* Graecus, -a, -um, Greek; Graecus, -, m., a Greek

grmineus, -a, -um, grassy; of bamboo

grandis, -e, grownup, large; important, lofty

grassor, -r, -tus sum, proceed, act; attack

* grtia, -ae,f., charm, grace; favor, regard; thankfulness, gratitude; grtis agere, to thank; grtiam habre, be thankful, feel grateful

grtsorgrtis,abl. ofgrtia, out of favor or kindness, without recompense, for nothing

grtulor, -r, -tus sum, rejoice; congratulate

* grtus, -a, -um, pleasing, grateful

* gravis, -e, heavy, weighty, important, grave, serious, severe

gravits, -ttis,f., weight, gravity, seriousness, importance

graviter,adv., heavily, severely, deeply, grievously

grav  (1), make heavy, weigh down

gravor, -r, -tus sum, be weighed down; be reluctant

gubernculum, -, n., helm, rudder

guberntor, -ris,m., pilot

guerra, -ae,f. = bellum (ML)

gula, -ae,f., throat; appetite

gust  (1), taste, take a snack

guttur, -uris,n., throat

Ggs, -is,m., a king of Lydia

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