err (1), wander astray; err, be mistaken
* error, -ris,m., lit. a wandering, straying; error, mistake, fault
rudi (4), teach
rudtus, -a, -um, educated, learned, cultivated
-rump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum, burst forth, break out
-ru, -ere, -ru, -rutum, pluck out, rescue
erus, -, m., master (of a house), owner
-scend, -ere, -scend, -scnsum, climb up, ascend
est, 3rd per. sg. of fut. imper. ofsum, granted, lit. let it be; also 2nd per. sg., be, you shall be
et,conj., and; et…et, both…and; adv., even, also, too
et-enim,conj., for truly, and in fact
* etiam,adv., even, also, still, even now
Etrria, -ae,f., a district north of Rome
Etruscus, -a, -um, Etruscan; an Etruscan
et-s, conj., even if, although; and yet
Eumenides, -um,f. pl., the (three) Furies, who harassed men for their crimes
Eurydic, -s,f., wife of Orpheus
*-vd, -ere, -vs, -vsum,lit. go forth; escape; travel over
-vagor, -r, -tus sum, wander, spread (intrans.); transgress
*-veni, -re, -vn, -ventum, come out, turn out, result, happen
-ventus, -s, m., lit. outcome; result
-vert, -ere, -vert, -versum, overturn, destroy
-vidns, gen. -entis, clear, evident
* exor , prep. + abl., from within, out of, from; because of; ex parte, in part
ex-aequ (1), make equal, place on a level
ex-alt (1), elevate, exalt
ex-animis, -e, breathless, lifeless
ex-rdsc, -ere, -rs, take fire, become hot, glow
ex-audi (4), hear, listen
ex-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, go away from, go beyond, transgress
excell, -ere, excellu, excelsum, be superior, surpass, excel
excelsus, -a, -um, lofty, high
ex-cerp, -ere, -cerps, -cerptum, pick out, choose, select
* ex-cipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, take out, except; receive, welcome; capture
* ex-cit (1), arouse, excite
ex-cld, -ere, -cls, -clsum, shut out, exclude
excsti, -nis,f., excuse
ex-cuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum,lit. shake out; investigate, examine
ex-ed, -ere, -d, -sum, eat up, hollow out
exemplar, -ris,n., image, likeness; model