d-vell, -ere, -vell, -vulsum, tear apart
* dversus, -a, -um, separate, different, various
* dves,gen. dvitis, rich, wealthy; compar. dvitior or dtior; superl. dvitissimus or dtissimus
dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum, divide, separate
dvnitus,adv., divinely, providentially
dvnus, -a, -um, divine; godlike, excellent
dvitiae, -rum,f. pl., riches, wealth
dvus, -a, -um, divine; dvus, -, m., a god; dva, -ae, f., goddess; dvum, -, n., sky
* d, dre, ded, dtum, give, offer, furnish; litters dare, write or mail a letter
* doce, -re, docu, doctum, teach, inform, explain
doctor, -ris,m., teacher
doctrna, -ae,f., learning, erudition; teaching, instruction
doctus, -a, -um (partic. of doce ), lit. taught; learned, well informed, skilled
documentum, -, n., example, instance, pattern; proof
* dole, -re, -u, -itrus, feel pain, be pained, grieve
* dolor, -ris,m., pain, grief
dolrsus, -a, -um, full of sorrow (late Lat.)
domesticus, -a, -um, pertaining to the home or family, domestic
domicilium, -, n., dwelling, abode
domina, -ae,f., mistress of a household, lady
dominti, -nis,f., rule, dominion; despotism
* dominus, -, m., master, lord
Domitinus, -, m., Roman emperor A.D. 81–96
* domus, -s,f., house, home; dom (loc.) at home; domum, (to) home; dom, from home
* dnec,conj., as long as, until
dn (1), give, bestow
* dnum, -, n., gift
* dormi (4), sleep
Druentia, -ae,f., the Durance, a tributary of the Rhone
dubitti, -nis,f., doubt, hesitation
* dubit (1), doubt, hesitate
dubius, -a, -um, doubtful, uncertain, hesitant; dubium, -, n., doubt, uncertainty
ducent, -ae, -a, two hundred
* dc, -ere, dx, ductum, lead; consider, think
* dulcis, -e, sweet, pleasant, dear
* dum,conj., while, as long as; until; provided that
dumtaxat,adv., at least, at any rate, only
* duo, duae, duo, two
duodecis,adv., twelve times
duplex,gen. -plicis,adj., twofold, double