damnsus, -a, -um, harmful, destructive
damnum, -, n., damage, injury, loss
Dana, Danas,f., daughter of Acrisius, mother of Perseus by Jupiter
daps, -pis,f., feast, banquet (both sg. and pl.)
dator, -ris,m., giver
David,indecl., the great king of the Hebrews
* d, prep. + abl., from, down from; concerning, about
dea, -ae,f., goddess
* dbe, -re, dbu, dbitum, owe, ought, must
dbilit (1), weaken
decnus, -, m., dean (EL)
d-cd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, withdraw, depart; depart from life, die
decem,indecl., ten
December, -bris, -bre, of or belonging to December
d-cern, -ere, -crv, -crtum, decide, judge, decree
d-cerp, -ere, -cerps, -cerptum, pluck off, gather
d-cert (1), fight out, fight through, fight to a decision
dcessus, -s,m., departure; death
* decet, -re, decuit,impers., it is proper, fitting, becoming, decent (physically or morally), it befits or becomes
d-cd(-cd), -ere, cd, fall down, sink; perish
decis,adv., ten times
decimus, -a, -um, tenth; decima, -ae, f., sc. pars, a tithe
d-cipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, deceive
d-clr (1), make clear, declare; declare as elected to office
d-cln (1) turn away, avoid, shun
decor, -ris,m., charm, beauty, grace
decor (1), adorn, beautify
decrus, -a, -um, fitting, becoming, seemly, proper, decent, graceful; decrum, -, n., propriety, grace
d-curr, -ere, -(cu)curr, -cursum, run down
decus, -oris,n., honor, worth, virtue
d-decet, -re, -decuit,impers., it is unfitting, unbecoming
d-decus, -oris,n., disgrace, infamy, shame
d-dic (1), dedicate, consecrate
d-d, -ere, -did, -ditum, give up, surrender
d-dc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, lead away or off, draw down; lead, conduct
d-fatg (1), to weary, fatigue, tire
dfecti, -nis,f., desertion, revolt
* d-fend, -ere, -fend, -fnsum, ward off; defend, protect
dfnsi, -nis,f., defense
* d-fer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum, bear off; report; accuse