💌💌One Happy Summer by Becky Monson follows a character who escapes her tumultuous career by retreating to a serene island off the Florida coast. Once there, she aims to hide from the media frenzy that has made her life...
"Breakfast in the Ruins" by Barry N. Malzberg is a compelling exploration of the world of science fiction through a personal and critical lens. The book reflects on the evolution of the genre, particularly examining its...
💙,,The Hut: Growing Up Mashnee'' by Barry Frank Cohen💙 is a coming-of-age thriller set on Mashnee Island, Cape Cod, during the mid-1960s. The story follows a group of teenage friends, led by a character named...
,,Oracle of the Thousand Hands'' by Barry N. Malzberg explores the life of a biographer named D'Arcy, who is confined to an institute but finds solace in writing a biography that delves into his subject's sexual...
💫💫"Markless" by C.G. Malburi💫💫 is a young adult fantasy novel set in a world where social status and magical abilities are determined by the marks on people's palms. The protagonist, Ruti, is a Markless witch, which...
"Rise of the Centurio Immortalis" by C. Thomas Lafollette is a gripping historical fantasy that follows Lucius, a centurion in the Roman legions, who embarks on a perilous mission from his dying emperor. After three...
Glass Omega by Calliope Stewart is an engaging romance set within the Omegaverse, featuring a complex love triangle. The story revolves around Perrie, a young omega battling leukemia, and her relationships with two...
💙💙"Queen of Hearts" by Heather Day Gilbert follows Alexandra Dubois, a bestselling author known for her suspenseful novels featuring twisted serial killers. When she starts receiving threatening notes from an overly...
"A Murderer Among Us" by Heather Graham follows FBI agent Chase McCoy as he goes undercover in New Orleans' French Quarter. The story revolves around a legendary rock band's reunion, which is actually a cover for...
"Desperate Victory" by Heather Long is the sixth and final book in the Bay Ridge Royals series. This dark, mature new adult romance features themes of enemies-to-lovers and love-hate dynamics. The story revolves around...
🥀🥀"The Secret History of Audrey James" by Heather Marshall is a captivating historical novel that explores two interconnected timelines. In 2010, the story follows Kate Mercer, who, after a tragic accident, leaves...
🍄🟫 "The Mushroom Bible 3 in 1: Growing Mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms, Healing"🍄🟫 is a comprehensive guide that combines three essential topics related to mushrooms: cultivation, the mystical properties of magic...