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I sit at the table and take hold of the cup. My teeth are starting to pulse, which is the worst. I take a quick sip of the warm, bland liquid. ā€œYes. I havenā€™t told them yet, but weā€™ve found a match for our test couple. However, now that the surrogate knows who sheā€™ll be carrying for, sheā€™s refusing payment. Weā€™re having a small battle with her about it. We need to set a standard for how much vamps will be compensatedā€”you know, get a sense of the typical expectation. Sheā€™s not helping.ā€

ā€œMaybe this will be the typical situation?ā€ When heā€™s finished at the sink, he dries his hands and comes to the breakfast nook, sitting on the bench opposite me. He grabs a slice and lifts his chin. ā€œEat.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not going to simultaneously drink blood and eat pizza.ā€ The thought turns my stomach. Itā€™s like Iā€™ve forgotten how to eat. As time goes on, my body and senses become sharper and more vampiric. I donā€™t have a strong urge to eat like before, but itā€™s fine. Eating got in the way, taking up time and energy. Now, I can just heat up a cup of blood and keep working.

We sit in silence, with Cy eating his slice of pizza and me staring into space and cupping my mug in my palms, occasionally bringing it to my mouth. When Cy is down to the crust, he says, ā€œAre you at least feeling a little more excited about Italy and the wedding next month?ā€

ā€œNot particularly.ā€

ā€œAh, Jae, itā€™s your big introduction to the aristocracy! Maybe it wonā€™t be as awful as youā€™re assuming? Maybe seeing Daddy Long Legs in person will be nice?ā€

I lift my mug and down the last sip of blood. Itā€™s lukewarm now. And tasteless. Sure. It will be nice to see Junichi. To pretend as if weā€™re just best matesā€”like he hasnā€™t ever been inside me. Looking forward to that.

Everyone whoā€™s anyone will be at Cellina and Giovanniā€™s wedding next month. The two of them bonded last year, but the formal ceremony will be in Lombardy at a resort off Lake Como. I searched for images of it on the Internet and itā€™s like something out of a fairy tale. Somewhere I donā€™t belong. Haruka and Nino will also be there, of course, but they canā€™t babysit me, can they? So, no. Iā€™m not looking forward to wandering around by myself, or talking to strange creatures three times my age.

My plan is to bring a nice present (what do you give as a gift to creatures whoā€™ve been living for over a century? A new watch?), greet everyone properly, then store myself in a corner and out of the way.


I blink, meeting Cyā€™s doe eyes. ā€œSorry. What?ā€

He shakes his head. ā€œYouā€™re so out of it, Jae. Has becoming a vampire changed you that much? What can I do? You rarely leave the house, you donā€™t eatā€”and youā€™re so serious all the time. What happened to my quirky and cheerful friend with all his cheesy jokes and weird observations? Is he in there somewhere? I miss him!ā€

I almost say ā€œHe diedā€ to be funny, but itā€™s not funny. Lifting my hands, I rub my palms against my face and underneath my glasses, feeling the familiar burn welling up in my eyes. Iā€™m shaking my head and I donā€™t know whatā€™s come over me, but I burst into silent tears. It just takes over sometimes, all the frustration, confusion and sadness I feel.

I donā€™t know who I am anymore or what Iā€™m doing. Cyrus is here and he visits me. He tries to help, I know. But itā€™s like Iā€™m on autopilot every day, and Iā€™ve never felt more alone in my entire life. I could deal with this before, when I was human. I was accustomed to it. But now, the loneliness stretches into something like infinity. Like thereā€™s no end to it and Iā€™m stuck.

ā€œAh shitā€”Iā€™m sorry, mate. Dammit.ā€ Cy stands and comes to the other side of the bench where Iā€™m sitting. He pats and holds my shoulder, then awkwardly pulls my glasses from my face. ā€œWhy do you keep wearing these? You donā€™t even need them anymore. You said your vision was even better than twenty-twenty?ā€

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply, then exhale to compose myself. I havenā€™t spontaneously cried like this in two weeks. I thought I was getting better. ā€œTheyā€™re justā€¦ familiar. Iā€™ve been wearing glasses since I was eight. I had clear lenses put in.ā€

Cyrus is still gripping my shoulder. ā€œWell, I kinda get that. Like a security blanketā€¦ But itā€™s daft.ā€


ā€œNo, I mean, I think thatā€™s the problem. You keep rebelling against this new life in all these weird, micro-aggressive ways. If you embrace thisā€”come out to London more, drink blood from real people, stop rereading your mumā€™s depressing journal and get rid of these damn glassesā€”youā€™ll feel better? Live the life your mum couldnā€™t. Youā€™ve been given something special, you prat. Stop pouting.ā€

When I talked to my father and let him know that I was a purebred vampire, he didnā€™t even question it. He told me to go upstairs in the attic and read my mumā€™s journals. That was his first reaction to my big reveal. Turns out, she knew what she was. They both did. But they didnā€™t know what to do about it. She didnā€™t have a Junichi, Haruka or Nino around to sniff her out, because we lived in a country void of ranked vampires. I canā€™t decide if I feel better or worse after reading about her last days. But it does give me some answers.

I take another deep breath, wiping my face again. I glance over at Cyrus. ā€œI should try. Youā€™re right.ā€

He squeezes my shoulder, his lips quirking up in a grin. ā€œOf course I am, you beautiful vampire manā€¦ God, youā€™re even hotter than you were before. I could kiss you.ā€

ā€œPlease donā€™t.ā€



Itā€™s a cool, overcast spring day as Nino and I sit in the front tearoom of the Miyoshi Clan estate. Itā€™s doing that misty rain thing outside where itā€™s enough to make you wet but not enough for an umbrella without making you feel dramatic.

Thereā€™s a large window behind us, drenching the room in gray light as we sit seiza style on thick cushions, waiting for Ren and his father. They made me wait four months for this damn meeting because Renā€™s parents were traveling. I stopped feeding from him during that time, though. Actually, I havenā€™t even seen him since Novemberā€”since that day he restrained me and acted like a maniac. After Jae left, I started feeding from a first-gen I know locally: a friend of mine, so the arrangement is casual. I also started having the hospital draw my blood and send Ren bags so I donā€™t have to see him.

Itā€™s been hell. Iā€™m tired all the time and my skin is a weird color. I feed, but I never really feel satisfied in my nature. I needed to do this, though. To at least know that Iā€™m capable, and that Iā€™m not a slave to purebred blood. My life and decisions arenā€™t just driven by the need or an addiction created by my controlling father.

ā€œWhy do you keep staring at your phone?ā€ Nino asks, glancing over at me.

ā€œBecause I tried to video-call Jae two days ago and he hasnā€™t responded or texted me back. Heā€™s ignoring me more and more. I donā€™t like it.ā€

Nino adjusts his shoulders, facing forward. ā€œThatā€™s because you ruined his birthday.ā€

I drop my hands and the phone in my lap. ā€œWould you stop saying that? It doesnā€™t help.ā€

ā€œBut itā€™s true. You broke his heart, then he ran away from us when he doesnā€™t even know how to vampire. I canā€™t imagine what heā€™s going through right now.ā€

ā€œListen, I wasnā€™t ready,ā€ I express for the umpteenth time. I feel like all I do is defend myself around him lately. Haruka doesnā€™t say anything about my choice, but Nino picks at me. Itā€™s like he identifies with Jae in some innate way. ā€œIf I need time, I need time. Plus, all this bullshit needed to be cleaned up with Ren. I didnā€™t tell Jae to leave Japan. I didnā€™t want him to go, but I canā€™t simultaneously tell him I need space and ask him to stay close by, like an asshole.ā€

Nino nods. ā€œExactly. Think about it, Jae diedā€”physically and metaphorically, because everything he thought he knew about himself, and everything he knew to be true, flipped on its head in a singular day. He wakes up to a brand-new world, a new body, perspective and genealogy with nothing to hold on to, and on that same day, the one person he sincerely trusts says, ā€˜Can you give me some space?ā€™ā€

Groaning, I rub my palms against my face. Heā€™s been throwing comments like this at me for months. Heā€™s on a roll now, so I just let him get it out of his system.

ā€œYou know the night Haru and I bonded, he freaked outā€”ā€

ā€œYes, Asao told me that story. I know.ā€

ā€œBut what Asao doesnā€™t know is that Haru held my hand. He was so scared, Jun. Insanely distressed. I had never seen him like that before. I thought he might push me away or be cold toward me because he didnā€™t want to bond at all. Heā€™d told me as much over and over. But then boom, we ended up in that unexpected situation and he didnā€™t push me away. He reached over and held my hand. Thatā€™s the moment I knew weā€™d always be fine. That I could trust him and he would never hurt me.ā€

I sit straighter, folding my arms. ā€œWell, we canā€™t all be perfect like Haruka.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. I get that Jae being purebred is unexpected. Butā€¦ you canā€™t push him away and also be crabby about him not picking up the phone when you call. Either you tell him you want space and leave him alone, or you push through your shit and keep him close. You canā€™t have it both ways.ā€

I exhale in a groan again because I know heā€™s right. I know, butā€¦ ā€œYour situation is less complicated because you and Haru are both purebreds. Haru had baggage, but you both came into the relationship on equal footing. It sets a tone.ā€

ā€œThat doesnā€™t matter,ā€ Nino says. ā€œHaru and I are equals in formal ranking and within the privacy of our nest, but you know his bloodline is much older and cleaner than mine. When weā€™re out in the aristocracy, itā€™s subtle, but people treat us differently. When vamps greet us, they direct most of their attention to him. If we get requests for social events, they always request Haruka first. Everyone respects me, too, but thatā€™s just the way it is and how the aristocracy works. But I donā€™t care about that. What matters is what goes on between the two of us, and Haru has never treated me like I wasnā€™t his equal. And I seriously doubt Jae would ever look at you that wayā€”ā€

The paper door to our left slides open, and we both stand up, watching as Ren and his father enter the room. Ren is angry, flat out. His forehead is crinkled and his butterscotch eyes are razor sharp as he looks at me. His robe is more formal today (another one that I made for him), and his hair is neatly pulled back in a sleek, long braid trailing down his spine. When he and his father are in front of us, we all bow at the waist, then sit down on our designated cushions. Ren sits on the cushion in front of me with his mouth twisted, never taking his eyes off me. His father sits beside him and across from Nino, who offers a cautious smile.

ā€œHello, Miyoshi-san.ā€ Nino politely dips his head. ā€œThank you for meeting with us today.ā€

Renā€™s father is narrow like a plank, but tall. His silver hair is short, and although his face is cracked and weathered from age, you can still see the notes of beauty beyond the hard lines as he smiles. ā€œIt is a pleasure to see you, my young lord, despite the nature of the circumstance that brings us together. It is rare to terminate contracts such as these, but I suppose this has been a long time coming.ā€

Iā€™m watching Miyoshi-san, but I can feel the heat of Renā€™s gaze on my face. I wonā€™t lie, Iā€™m terrified right now. At any given moment, he could flare his aura out and slam my head into the ground. It wonā€™t kill me, but Iā€™d still like to avoid it, if possible. So I refuse to look at him. I just keep flicking my gaze between Nino and Miyoshi-san.

ā€œThese situations are rare,ā€ Nino agrees. ā€œBut amendable. Since Junichi is breaking the contract set between himself and your family, you can state the conditions upon which youā€™ll allow this termination. Have you established your terms?ā€

Now Iā€™m watching Nino as he sits straight, confident in his rust-colored sweaterā€”his palms set calmly against his lap, revealing the beautiful watch on his wrist with a brown leather strap and rose-gold facing. We had a long discussion about who should accompany me as my realm leader and representative for this meeting. Itā€™s fucking ridiculous.

Iā€™m a hundred and thirty years old, but I couldnā€™t come to this meeting and speak up for myself because Iā€™m first-gen. Even though this is about me and my life, I needed a purebred to speak on my behalf to the other purebreds. The even crazier thing is, Iā€™m fortunate. If I had realm leaders who were assholes, they might make me stay in this arrangementā€”tell me to honor the contract because they donā€™t want to waste their precious time dealing with my shit.

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