Hindsight bias, 115– 116,
Ge ne tic infl uences, 7, 163, 165;
on brain structure, 165, 168,
Hippocampus, 172
170; on intellectual abilities,
Hockey training, 52, 65
92, 173, 174, 178
Honey and Mumford Learning
George Mason University, 12,
Styles Questionnaire, 144
Horse race handicapping,
Georgia Regents University,
mathematics and IQ in, 150,
211, 213
276– 277n11
Gladwell, Malcolm, 106
How Children Succeed (Tough), Goals: in deliberate practice,
183; on per for mance and
Human Connectome Project, 170
learning, comparison of,
Hunkler, Kiley, 21, 235– 236,
180– 181
Goldman- Rakic, Patricia, 167,
Hunter, Thelma, 223– 225,
Index ê 302
Hypnosis, memory distortion in,
infl uences on, 92, 173, 174,
114, 272n9
178; growth mindset on,
179– 183; as hardwired, 7,
Ice hockey training, 52, 65
165, 166, 226
Illusion of knowing, 15– 17, 21,