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„Stranger Than Ficción,” Lingua Franca, iunie/iulie, 1997, pp. 41–49

Mastronardi, Carlos, Memorias de un provinciano, Ediciones Culturales Argentinas, 1967

Mayer, Daniel, „Sérieux comme un tigre. Jorge Luis Borges en Suisse”, Écriture (Lausanne), 28 (1987), pp. 11–34

Meneses, Carlos Borges en Mallorca (1919–1921), Aitana: Alicante, 1996

Nóbile, Beatriz de, Palabras con Norah Lange, Carlos Pérez Editor, 1968

Ocampo, Silvina, „Image de Borges” în Cahiers de L’Herne, Paris, 1964, pp. 26–30

Ocampo, Victoria, „Vision de Borges” în Cahiers de L’Herne, Paris, 1964, pp.19–25

Petit de Murat, Ulyses, Borges Buenos Aires, Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1980

Porzio, Domenico, Jorge Luis Borges: Immagini e immaginazione, Edizioni Studio Tesi: Pordenone, 1985

Reid, Alastair, „Neruda and Borges”, The New Yorker, 24 iunie şi 1

iulie, 1996, pp. 56–72

Salas, Horacio, Conversaciones con Raúl González Tunión, La Bastilla, 1975

Slavuski, Victoria, „The Old Man and the City”, The Times Literary Supplement, 20 august, 1999, pp. 10–12

Torre Borges, Miguel de, Jorge Luis Borges: manuscritos y fotografías, Renglón, 1987

__________, Un día en la vida de Jorge Luis Borges. Tipărit în regie proprie, 1995.

Yates, Donald A., „Behind «Borges and I»”, Modern Fiction Studies, 19 (1973), pp. 317–24

Biografii ale lui Borges

Alifano, Roberto, Borges: biografía verbal, Plaza y Janés: Barcelona, 1988

Barnatán, Marcos Ricardo, Borges: biografía total, Ediciones Temas de Hoy: Madrid, 1995

Jurado, Alicia, Genio y figura de Jorge Luis Borges, Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, 1964

Rodríguez Monegal, Emir, Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography, Dutton: New York, 1978

Salas, Horacio, Borges: una biografía, Planeta, 1994

Savater, Fernando, Jorge Luis Borges, Omega: Barcelona, 2002

Teitelboim, Volodia, Los dos Borges: vida, sueños, enigmas, Editorial Sudamericana Chilena: Santiago, 1996

Vaccaro, Alejandro, Georgie (1899–1930): una vida de Jorge Luis Borges, Proa/Alberto Casares, 1996

Vázquez, Maria Esther, Borges: esplendor y derrota, Tusquets: Barcelona, 1996

Woodall, James, The Man in the Mirror of the Book: A Life of Jorge Luis

Borges, Hodder & Stoughton: London, 1996

Yates, Donald A., Jorge Luis Borges: Life, Work, and Criticism, York Press: Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1985

Studii critice ale operei lui Borges

Aizenberg, Edna, The Aleph Weaver: Biblical, Kabbalistic and Judaic Elements în Borges, Scripta Humanística: Potomac, MD, 1984

_________, Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact on Literature and the Arts, University of Missouri Press: Columbia, 1990

Alazraki, Jaime, ed. Borges, El escritor y la crítica, Taurus: Madrid, 1976

__________, Critical Essays on Jorge Luis Borges, G.K. Hall: Boston, MA, 1987

__________, Borges and the Kabbalah, and Other Essays on His Fiction and Poetry, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1988

Anthropos. Revista de Documentación Científica de la Cultura, 142–143

(1993) (Număr dedicat lui Jorge Luis Borges.)

Arana, Juan, El centro dellaberinto: los motivos filosóficos en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, EUNSA: Navarra, 1994

Arriguci, Jr., Davi, „De la fama y de la infamia. (Borges en el contexto literario latinoamericano)”, Cuadernos de recienvenido, Humanitas/ FFLCH/Universidade de Săo Paulo: Săo Paulo, 1999, pp.


Artundo, Patricia, „Entre «La Aventura y el Orden»: los hermanos Borges y el ultraísmo argentino”, Cuadernos de recienvenido, Humanitas/ FFLCH/Universidade de Săo Paulo: Săo Paulo, 1999, pp.


Ashbery, John, „A Game with Shifting Mirrors”. Vezi Critical Essays, Alazraki, ed., 1987.

Balderston, Daniel, Out of Context: Historical Reference and the Representaron of Reality în Borges, Duke University Press: Durham, NC, and London, 1993

Barrenechea, Ana María, Borges, the Labyrinth Maker, New York University Press: New York, 1965

__________, et al., Borges y la crítica. Antología, Centro Editor de America Latina, 1992

Barth, John, „The Literature of Exhaustion”. Vezi Critical Essays, Alazraki, ed., 1987.

Bastos, María Luisa, Borges ante la crítica argentina: 1923–1960, Hispamérica, 1974

Bell-Villada, Gene H. Borges and His Fiction: A Guide to His Mind and Art, University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC: 1981

Bloom, Harold, ed., Jorge Luis Borges, Chelsea House Publishers: New York, 1986

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